Website Design tips for beginners

Website Design tips for beginners

With a vast range of software on the market and online tools available, there’s never been a better time for those wanting to learn more about website design and even start to explore designing a website themselves.

Whilst the professionals have extensive technical knowledge and expertise, beginners can have a great deal of fun and satisfaction by exploring the world of website design.

Check out this Wikipedia page to learn more.

The Basics

Increasingly, many of us have some experience of programmes such as InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. If you’re familiar with these, you’re already onto the basics.

Additionally, try to read every book and magazine article you can about design principles – you’ll start to get an understanding of how website design works and some of the reasoning behind the most effective websites.

Website Design tips for beginners

Social Media

As well as books, magazines and online forums, you can learn a huge amount from current website designers on social media. Find a number of top website designers whose work you like and whose style you engage with.

You’ll probably be able to find them fairly easily on sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest so keep up to date with their work and don’t be afraid to interact and ask questions.

Break things down

Once you start to understand website design, you’ll start to realise the processes that build up any website, illustration, infographic or icon. Understanding how things are broken down into shapes, lines and simple elements will help you to see how they’re built up again to create the overall image.

Seeing websites with a more analytical eye is one of the first steps to becoming a website designer yourself.

Use Resources

There are endless resources available to anyone looking to get into website design. Some of the best tutorials can be found on sites such as YouTube meaning that you can learn a whole skill set by yourself, at a time that suits you, free of charge.

Seek out talks from web design experts from around the world online and get inspired by the wealth of creativity out there.

Ask for Feedback

One of the best ways of analysing your work and learning more is by asking for feedback.

Don’t be afraid to show your work to friends, family or colleagues to ask for their initial reaction. Use online forums to request constructive criticism or guidance from current website designers and never be afraid to challenge yourself further.

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